*Coo-Var Q607 Anti-Graffiti Brush Wash

This product is now discontinued.
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Product Description

Please note, this product is now discontinued.

Coo-Var Q607 Anti-Graffiti Paint Brush wash is a hydrocarbon solvent mixture used as a brush wash agent for p101 anti-graffiti coatings to clean equipment.

Best Uses

Coo-Var Q607 Anti-Graffiti Brush Wash is best used for cleaning equipment that has been used with Coo-Var Anti-graffiti Paint, immediately after use.


Coo-Var Q607 Anti-Graffiti Paint Brush wash can be applied by soaking the products in the solution or by adding hot soapy water to the product for the ultimate cleaner.

Surface and Environment

Coo-Var Q607 Anti-Graffiti Brush wash can be used to clean anti-graffiti paint off of equipment, where the equipment has become stained and clogged up with the product.

Technical Details
Components: Single Pack
Type: Solvent Mixture
Finish: n/a
Stock Colours: Clear
Tintable: No
VOC Content: n/a
Volume Solids: n/a
Suitable Substrates: To clean equipment used with P101 Anti Graffiti coatings
Packaging: Available in 500ml