Mapei Ultracolor Plus

Non Hazardous
Ideal for the internal and external grouting of floors and walls in all types of ceramic, terracotta, stone material and glass.
Available in 5 and 23 Kg in Various Colours
From £21.25 £17.71
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Product Description

Mapei Ultracolor Plus is ideal for the internal and external grouting of floors and walls in all types of ceramic (double-fired, single-fired, clinker, porcelain, etc.), terracotta, stone material (natural stone, marble, granite, agglomerates, etc.), and glass and marble mosaic.

Best Uses

Some application examples of Mapei Ultracolor Plus include the grouting floors and walls in areas subject to intense traffic (airports, shopping centres, restaurants, bars, etc.), the grouting floors and walls in residential areas (hotels, private houses, etc.) and the grouting of façades, balconies, terraces, and swimming pools.

Ultracolor Plus is a cementitious (C) mortar for grouting (G) improved (2), with reduced water absorption (W), high resistance to abrasion (A), and fast-setting (F) in class CG2FWA. The formulation of Ultracolor Plus contains no Portland cement, making it a safe product for users.
With Ultracolor Plus, the Ultracolor technology is based on a special, self-hydrating hydraulic binder which guarantees colour uniformity, by two innovative technologies which are the result of MAPEI research: BioBlock and DropEffect. The BioBlock consists of special organic molecules which, by distributing themselves evenly in the microstructure of the joints, block the formation of microorganisms that cause mould damage. The DropEffect® technology, with a synergic effect, reduces the absorption of surface water.

When it is mixed with water in the proportions recommended and correctly applied, Ultracolor Plus forms a grouting mortar with the following characteristics:

  • Water-repellent and droplet-effect
  • Uniform colour and free of staining, since Ultracolor Plus does not produce efflorescence. From an analysis carried out using an electronic microscope (SEM), note that, compared with a Portland cement-based binder in a normal cementitious grouting mortar, the special cements in Ultracolor Plus do not generate the calcium hydroxide (hydrolysis lime) crystals during the hydration process, which cause efflorescence
  • Colours resistant to ultraviolet rays and atmospheric agents
  • Short waiting time before cleaning and easy finishing
  • Ready for light foot traffic and for use after a short period of time
  • Smooth, compact finished surface, with low water absorbency for easy cleaning
  • Shrinkage compensated, therefore free from cracks
  • Excellent resistance to abrasion compression and flexural strength even after freeze-thaw cycles, therefore optimal durability
  • Good resistance to acids with pH > 3


Preparing the joints
Before grouting joints, wait until the adhesive or the mortar has completely hardened, and the waiting times indicated in the relative Technical Data Sheet have been respected. The joints must be clean, free of dust, and empty down to at least 2/3 of the thickness of the tiles. Any adhesive
or mortar which has seeped into the joints while laying the tiles must be removed while still fresh. With very absorbent tiles, high temperatures or windy conditions, dampen the joints with clean water.

Preparation of mix
While stirring, pour Ultracolor Plus into a clean, rust-free container containing 20-26% by weight of clean water. Mix the grout with a low-speed mixer to avoid air entrainment, until a smooth paste is obtained. Let the mix stand for 3 minutes, then mix again briefly before use. Use the mix within 30 minutes of preparation.

Fill the joints with the Ultracolor Plus mix using an appropriate Mapei trowel or rubber spreader without leaving any gaps or lippage. Remove excess of Ultracolor Plus from the surface of the tiles by passing the trowel or spreader diagonally to the joints while the grout is still wet.

When the grout loses its elasticity and becomes opaque, normally after 15–30 minutes, wash off any excess of Ultracolor Plus with a damp hard cellulose sponge (such as the Mapei Sponge) working diagonally to the joints. Rinse the sponge frequently in two different containers of water: one container to remove the grout from the sponge and a second container, with clean water, to rinse the sponge. This operation can also be carried out with a machine with a sponge belt.

It is possible to finish the surface also when the mix is partially set, after 50–60 minutes, with a damp ScotchBrite sponge: pass it over the joints to even out the surface. This operation may also be carried out with a single disk rotary machine with a special Scotch-Brite type felt disk. If the joints are cleaned too soon (while the grout is still plastic) the grout could be dragged from the joints and leave gaps, which may then change colour more easily. If grouting is carried out in extremely hot, dry or windy weather, we recommend that the joints filled with Ultracolor Plus are dampened after a few hours.

Damp curing of Ultracolor Plus improves its final characteristics in all cases. Final cleaning of the powdery film of Ultracolor Plus from the surface may be carried out with a clean, dry cloth. After the final cleaning operation, if the surface still has traces of cementitious residues, it may be cleaned
down with an acidic cleaner (e.g. Mapei UltraCare Keranet), after the grout has completely cured. If it is necessary to use a product to remove residues of grout at the moment of installation, it is recommended to use UltraCare Keranet Easy spray, suitable for removing excess grout from surfaces during installation. For a correct use of UltraCare products range, please refer to the relevant Technical Data Sheets.

Technical Details
  • Bulk density: 1400 kg/m³
  • Dry solids content: 100%
  • EMICODE: EC1 Plus – very low emission
  • Mixing ratio: 100 parts Ultracolor Plus with 20-26 parts water, depending on the colour
  • Consistency of mix: fluid paste
  • Density of mix: 1980 kg/m³
  • pH of mix: approx. 11
  • Pot life of mix: 20-30 minutes
  • Waiting time before finishing: 15-30 minutes
  • Set to light foot traffic: approx. 3 hours
  • Ready for use: 24 hours (48 hours for tanks and swimming pools)
  • Flexural strength after 28 days (EN 12808-3): 9 N/mm²
  • Compressive strength after 28 days (EN 12808-3): 35 N/mm²
  • Flexural strength after freeze/thaw cycles (EN 12808-3): 9 N/mm²
  • Compressive strength after freeze/thaw cycles (EN 12808-3): 35 N/mm²
  • Resistance to abrasion (EN 12808-2): 700 (loss in mm³)
  • Shrinkage (EN 12808-4): 1.5 mm/m
  • Assorbimento di acqua (EN 12808-5) dopo 30 minuti: 0.1 g
  • Water absorption (EN 12808-5) after 4 hours: 0,2 g
  • Resistance to solvents and oils: excellent
  • Resistant to alkalis: excellent
  • Resistance to acids: good resistance to acids with pH > 3
  • Available in 40 standard colours (see Product Data Sheet)
  • Available in 5 Kg or 23 Kg bags.
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